C.W. Davies

Non-Fiction. Inspiration. Fun. Vibrant.

Stories from the Heart - Tales of Change

The truth behind how we all deal with change is exposed in this wonderful and touching collection of stories designed to help inspire you to live life to the fullest, take risks, and embrace the challenges change can often bring.

You can find the strength and courage to navigate change. Each short story is inspirational as it captures the very essence of change.

Change is inevitable, constant, incredible and at times life-altering. The type of change that is self-driven and eagerly planned is easy to embrace. It’s the capricious nature of sudden, unexpected change that catches us out yet brings deep learning.

There are twelve true, personal stories in this book, centred on the theme of change. An anthology of tales that cover journeys of navigating relationships, family, travel, loss, challenge and overcoming adversity. Each of the authors shares authentically and openly what change has meant to them. While each story covers a unique change experience, the common theme is that each one of the authors showed tenacity, grit, inspiration, and a growth mindset. Each author sharing their story hopes to inspire and help others who may be navigating change in life.

Stories from the Heart - Tales of Change book cover

A note from C.W. Davies about Stories from the Heart - Tales of Change

I got involved with this project mid 2019 as I was intrigued by the concept of change. What a small word that holds so much meaning. It is in fact a BIG word in many ways. 

Change is what each of us must deal with and must come to terms with. It can be positive change or negative, it can be change we have chosen or change that has been thrust upon us. Nevertheless, there are always unexpected consequences, hidden surprises along the way, and many lessons to be learned just by living life!

This book contains many lessons and some common themes because though each story is completely unqiue and stands alone, and has been lived by the author, some things in life are common to us all!

And sometimes it is nice to know that we are not alone in our struggles to blaze our own paths, and live lives full of happiness and fulfillment.

Colours of the Goldfields

Colours of the Goldfields, a mixture of poetry, anecdotes and fiction by the Western Australian based Goldfields Writers Group. 

Pieces written by DustyStories.com author C.W. Davies (Cheryl Workman-Davies) include:

  • 1.2km Underground
  • Possum Poem
  • The Job Interview
  • Time Faller
Colours of the Goldfields Bookcover

A note from C.W. Davies about Colours of the Goldfields

These are a few of my collection of stories from early on in my writing journey. Inspired by my career as a geologist and my imagination are the pieces that hold a piece of the Goldfields character within their words. 

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More about C.W. Davies

Public Speaking

Avaliable for speaking on a range of topics from science and mining to creativity in the work place. Find out more about how including public speaker in your event will benefit you. 


Everyone needs a little encouragement along the way to success, if this sounds like you then contact me! I love helping people and finding solutions to make life more enjoyable. 

The Blog

Are you looking for a fresh source of inspiration that is entertaining to read and based on real events? Then check out DustyDreamerHQ!